the latest


Traditional STYLE AT 9 A.M. - Contemporary Style at 10:30 a.m. - nursery & Sunday School at 10:30 a.m.

The latest at Lehman Memorial United Methodist Church

Stay up to date with the happenings of Lehman Memorial United Methodist Church by visiting our blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes, and updates to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.

Time to think summer (camp)

by: Karl Smith



Take a moment to think about those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer and check out our area’s United Methodist summer camps. 

Lots of great programming will be available.

Gretna GlenPocono PlateauCarson Simpson FarmCamp Innabah

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Thank you, Blair Mill students

by: Karl Smith



From Vicki Coleman and the Food Pantry Volunteers: Thank you to all the children of Blair Mill Elementary School who collected approximately 1,000 items for the Lehman Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. Thank you to the staff and teachers that supported the efforts of the kids who wanted to make a difference in the community. Special thanks to Brandon and Bob for delivering all the food. Our food pantry volunteers are very excited to receive so many items and to be able to con

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Time to prepare for Lent

by: Karl Smith



Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent are soon upon us. We will have two services on Ash Wednesday, March 5 at Noon and 7 p.m. 

Lehman Lenten Luncheon Lectures begin on March 6 at noon.  If you have attended these luncheon lectures in the past, we welcome you back again this year, and if you haven’t attended in the past, please consider coming this year if your schedule allows. 

The lectures will be based on Adam Hamilton’s book The Message of Jesus. Lunch is $5 per person

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Let's Talk Souper Bowl

by: Karl Smith



Once again we will be collecting cans of soup and cash to support our very own Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry at Lehman to coincide with Super Bowl Sunday.

We love our Birds and we love our community.

Tackle Hunger’s signature Souper Bowl of Caring fundraiser is a youth-inspired movement working across the nation to tackle hunger in local communities.

Since 1990, The Souper Bowl of Caring campaign has created over $198 million worth of support that stays completely local at

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Join us for a Game Day

by: Karl Smith



We’re going to put those winter doldrums away on Saturday, February 1 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. with a family- friendly Game Day in Fellowship Hall.

If you like board games, this will be the place to be. Have a favorite board game? Bring it along, but it’s perfectly fine to just show up and join a game that you find interesting. Oh, and plan on bringing a snack to share.

Please let us know you’re coming - just drop an email.

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Youth Group: New Year, New You?

by: Karl Smith



Start the year with a fresh focus on transformation in Christ! This month, we’ll explore how to leave behind what holds us back, embrace the new life God offers, and set faith-centered goals for the year ahead. Through weekly lessons, we’ll reflect, reset, and discover how to align our lives with God’s purpose.

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Join us as we step into the new year, rooted in Chris

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Pitch in for our next community meal

by: Karl Smith



We are serving a variety of soups, stews, chilis, crock pot meals and casseroles for the January 22 community dinner but we need your help. Contact our church office (by email or 215-675-2110 to donate your favorite soup, stew, chili, crock pot meal or casserole.

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Youth Group's year of growth

by: Karl Smith



Rooted & Renewed: A Year of Growth in Faith

"You have accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord. Now keep on following him. Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful." Colossians 2:6-7 (CEV)

This year, our youth group embarks on an exciting journey with the theme "Rooted & Renewed." Together, we’ll explore what it means to be deeply rooted in Christ’s love and truth, allowing Him to

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New year, new music director

by: Karl Smith



New year, new music director Looking ahead to the future of the music ministry here at Lehman Church in the new year and beyond, we’d like to offer a very warm welcome to our new music director, Charlie de Mets. That’s right - our wonderful organist will now also lead the Sanctuary Choir.

Interested in singing under Charlie’s direction? Come check out the Sanctuary Choir during rehearsals on Thursday nights at 7:15.

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Thank you from our pastors

by: Karl Smith



From Pastor Julia:

I just wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who sent a gift or a card, contributed to the pastor’s gift, and/or prayed for us over the last few weeks.

I feel so cared for by this congregation and I appreciate it more than you know. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Blessings, Pastor Julia

From Pastor Nancy:

I am writing this note with a grateful heart to a congregation that I love and appreciate so much! Thank you for your Christm

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Youth Group party on December 29

by: Karl Smith



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The Youth of Lehman will have a Christmas party on Sunday, December 29 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. It’s a night where Christmas cheer and a New Year’s countdown collide with fun, friends, and festive vibes. Teens are invited to bring a $5 white elephant gift. Questions? Contact Vica.

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Get your “star word” on Epiphany, January 5

by: Karl Smith



We will celebrate Epiphany at Lehman on January 5 but it will also be “star day.” When you come to worship, you’ll be able to pick up your “star word” for 2025. Pastor Julia will explain this growingtradition where people choose life-guiding words for the year ahead.

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Our live nativity - fun for the whole family

by: Karl Smith



Our live nativity, complete with animals and the Christmas story, happens on December 22 from noon to 2 p.m. There will be crafts and snacks in Fellowship Hall and music and carols in the sanctuary, all packed into two hours.

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Chancel committee: Christmas is coming

by: Karl Smith



As the Christmas season rapidly approaches, the Chancel Committee is gearing up to beautify the church with decorations. But we need your help to accomplish this at two times, in particular.

Monday, December 2, we will gather at 6:30 p.m. to decorate the sanctuary. If you are available for any amount of time that evening, we would appreciate having the extra hands. Come and have a good time of fellowship while you work together with others to do the decorating. There will

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Join Us For Scrooge-centric Advent Bible study

by: Karl Smith



Our Advent Bible study will build upon The Redemption of Scrooge by Matt Rawle. The study is based on Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol and will explore the world of Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the Cratchits, with an eye to Christian faith. Along the way we will meet the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come and learn about living with and for others in a world blessed by Jesus. If you do not currently attend one of the adult small group studies, please co...
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