As the Christmas season rapidly approaches, the Chancel Committee is gearing up to beautify the church with decorations. But we need your help to accomplish this at two times, in particular.
Monday, December 2, we will gather at 6:30 p.m. to decorate the sanctuary. If you are available for any amount of time that evening, we would appreciate having the extra hands. Come and have a good time of fellowship while you work together with others to do the decorating. There will also be some snacks available while you work. So, come when you can and leave when you must, but PLEASE COME. Many hands make light work.
December 21 will find our sanctuary arrayed in poinsettia blooms. We will be accepting orders for poinsettia plants either in memory of or in honor of loved ones from November 17 through December 1 . The cost remains the same as last year — $11 each. You may also contribute to missions during this time — our choice of missions for this collection will be Lehman’s Love Fund. Look for envelopes in the pew racks beginning November 17 to turn in your orders and donations Remember, December 1 is the the last day to turn them in.
The Chancel Committee wants to thank you in advance for your support and help with these two projects.